【学术报告】柴扉 讲席教授


目:BGC-Argo Observations and Physical-Biogeochemical Modeling in North Pacific Ocean

告人:柴扉 席教授 (厦大学)

人:修群  教授

时间517日上午 10:30-12:00



The Biogeochemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) Program aims at operating a network of profiling floats equipped with sensors of key biogeochemical variables for supporting research activities that address impacts of changing climate on ocean biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems. In the Western Pacific, a total of 22 BGC-Argo floats have been deployed during the last several years. In this talk, I will show examples of using BGC-Argo floats and coupled physical-biogeochemical models to investigate how synoptical events (typhoons, winter and dust storms) and mesoscale eddies affect upper ocean biogeochemical processes. We also use a coupled physical-biogeochemical model based on ROMS-CoSiNE to address how large-scale climate variability (ENSO and PDO) affect nutrient and plankton dynamics in the Western Pacific Ocean.  

Brief introduction to the speaker:

Prof. Fei Chai received his Ph.D. from Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University in 1995. Prof. Chai was a faculty member at the University of Maine since 1994, served as the Director of School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine between 2012 and 2015, he became Professor Emeritus in 2021. Since September 2022, Prof. Chai has joined Xiamen University and become a Chair Professor in Marine Science. Prof. Chai studies physical and biological processes contributing to global carbon cycle, ocean acidification, open ocean and coastal hypoxia, and climate variability affecting marine ecosystems and fisheries, ocean-based CDR. Prof. Chai has led and participated in over 40+ large interdisciplinary research projects both in US and China, and he published over 200+ papers in international journals. Prof. Chai serves as committee chairs and member for several international scientific organizations and programs (DITTO, POGO, TPOS, GOA-ON, BGC-Argo), promoting interdisciplinary research and international collaboration.  


  • 南京大学仙林校区大气科学楼