Sandro M. Ferreira Veiga

Research Scientist

 2018Ph.D. in Earth System Science, Earth System Science Center, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil.
 2009M.Sc. in Engineering Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.
 2008B.Sc. in Engineering Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Work Experience
 2020.04 - presentResearch Scientist, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, China
 2018.06 - 2020.03Postdoctoral Scientist, Earth System Science Center (CCST) and Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Research (CPTEC), National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil.
 2011.06 - 2013.02Research Assistant, Institute of Mediterranean Agrarian and Environmental Science, University of Évora, Portugal.
 2010.01 - 2010.07Research Assistant, Geophysics Center-Dom Luiz Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Research Interests

   Regional Climate Change and Modelling
   Tropical Climate Variability

Selected Publications
 1.Fialho, W.M.B., Carvalho, L.M.V., Gan, M.A., and Veiga, S. F.: Mechanisms controlling persistent South Atlantic Convergence Zone events on intraseasonal timescales. Theor. Appl. Climatol, 2023.
 2.Veiga, S. F. and Yuan, H.: The response of the East Asian summer rainfall to more extreme El Niño events in future climate scenarios. Atmospheric Research, 268, 1-6, 2022.
 3.Veiga, S. F. and Yuan, H.: Performance-based projection of precipitation extremes over China based on CMIP5/6 models using integrated quadratic distance. Weather and Climate Extremes, 34, 1-8, 2021.
 4.Giarolla, E., Veiga, S. F., Nobre, P., Silva Jr., M. B., Capistrano, V. B., Callegare, A. O.: Sea Surface Height trends in the Southern Hemisphere oceans simulated by the Brazilian Earth System Model under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 70, 280-289, 2020.
 5.Capistrano, V. B., Nobre, P., Veiga, S. F., Tedeschi, R., Silva, J., Bottino, M., da Silva Jr., M. B., Menezes Neto, O. L., Figueroa, S. N., Bonatti, J. P., Kubota, P. Y., Fernandez, J. P. R., Giarolla, E., Vial, J., and Nobre, C. A.: Assessing the performance of climate change simulation results from BESM-OA2.5 compared with a CMIP5 model ensemble, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 2277–2296,, 2020.
 6.Venancio, I., Shimizu, M., Santos, T., Lessa, D. V. O., Portilho-Ramos, R., Chiessi, C., Crivellari, S., Mulitza, S., Kuhnert, H., Vahlenkamp, M., Bickert, T., Sampaio, G., Albuquerque, A. L., Tiedemann, R., Veiga, S., Nobre, P., Nobre, C.: Changes in surface hydrography at the western tropical Atlantic during the Younger Dryas, Global and Planetary Changes. 184, 1–7,, 2020.
 7.Veiga, S. F., Giarolla E., Nobre P., Nobre C.: Analyzing the influence of the North Atlantic Ocean variability on the Atlantic Meridional Mode on decadal time scales, Atmosphere, 11, 3,, 2020.
 8.Veiga, S. F., Nobre, P., Giarolla, E., Capistrano, V., Baptista Jr., M., Marquez, A. L., Figueroa, S. N., Bonatti, J. P., Kubota, P., and Nobre, C. A.: The Brazilian Earth System Model ocean–atmosphere (BESM-OA) version 2.5: evaluation of its CMIP5 historical simulation, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 1613–1642,, 2019.
 9.Serpa, D., Nunes, J. P., Santos, J., Sampaio, E., Jacinto, R., Veiga, S., Lima, J. C., Moreira, M., Corte-Real, J., Keizer, J. J., and Abrantes, N.: Impacts of climate and land use changes on the hydrological and erosion processes of two contrasting Mediterranean catchments, Sci. Total Environ., 538, 64–77, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.033, 2015.
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