Rongsheng WU


 1952 - 1956B.Sc. in Meteorology, Nanjing University
Work Experience
 1985 - currentProfessor, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
 1980 - 1985Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University
 1956 - 1980Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University
 1992 - 2000Director, National Professional Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather
 1984 - 1993Director, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
 1995 - 1996Visiting Scholar, University of Colorado
 1982 - 1983Visiting Scholar, University of Colorado
Research Interests

   Dynamics of atmospheric boundary layer
   Frontal dynamics
   Tropical cyclone dynamics
   Atmospheric waves

Teaching Interests

   Dynamic meteorology
   Atmospheric dynamics
   Synoptic meteorology

 2006First prize of National Science and Technology Award (Natural Science) nomination by the Ministry of Education
 1999Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, State Education Commission
 1992Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, Jiangsu Province
 1989Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, State Education Commission
 1980Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, Jiangsu Province
 1979Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, Jiangsu Province
Honors and Positions
 2006 - currentHonorary chairman of Chinese Meteorological Society
 2004Deputy director, Cloud Precipitation Physics and Strong Storm Laboratory, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
 2002 - 2006Chairman of the 25th Council of Chinese Meteorological Society
 1999Academician of Chinese Academy of Science
 1997Member of the Fourth Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council
 1995Director of Atmospheric Scientific Steering Committee, National Education Committee
 1993Chairman of the mesoscale working group of the international commission on dynamic meteorology
 1990Member of Strong Storm Laboratory, Academy of Meteorological Sciences, National Meteorological Administration
 1987 - 1989Member of the Scientific Review Group of Natural Science Foundation Committee
 1986Member of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
 1986Member of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
 1985 - 1986Group member of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council
 1985Member of Committee for the Verification of Meteorological Terms
 1985Member of Dynamic Meteorology Committee of the International Commission on Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
 1982Member of China Association for Science and Technology Natural Science
 1982 - 2011Dynamic meteorology committee member of CMS (Chinese Meteorological Society)
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    163 Xianlin Road, Qixia District
    Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210023