Rongsheng WU
1952 - 1956 | B.Sc. in Meteorology, Nanjing University
Work Experience
1985 - current | Professor, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
1980 - 1985 | Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University
1956 - 1980 | Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University
1992 - 2000 | Director, National Professional Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather
1984 - 1993 | Director, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
1995 - 1996 | Visiting Scholar, University of Colorado
1982 - 1983 | Visiting Scholar, University of Colorado
Research Interests
Dynamics of atmospheric boundary layer
Frontal dynamics
Tropical cyclone dynamics
Atmospheric waves
Teaching Interests
Dynamic meteorology
Atmospheric dynamics
Synoptic meteorology
2006 | First prize of National Science and Technology Award (Natural Science) nomination by the Ministry of Education
1999 | Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, State Education Commission
1992 | Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, Jiangsu Province
1989 | Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, State Education Commission
1980 | Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, Jiangsu Province
1979 | Second Prize of Technology Advancement Award, Jiangsu Province
Honors and Positions
2006 - current | Honorary chairman of Chinese Meteorological Society
2004 | Deputy director, Cloud Precipitation Physics and Strong Storm Laboratory, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
2002 - 2006 | Chairman of the 25th Council of Chinese Meteorological Society
1999 | Academician of Chinese Academy of Science
1997 | Member of the Fourth Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council
1995 | Director of Atmospheric Scientific Steering Committee, National Education Committee
1993 | Chairman of the mesoscale working group of the international commission on dynamic meteorology
1990 | Member of Strong Storm Laboratory, Academy of Meteorological Sciences, National Meteorological Administration
1987 - 1989 | Member of the Scientific Review Group of Natural Science Foundation Committee
1986 | Member of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
1986 | Member of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
1985 - 1986 | Group member of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council
1985 | Member of Committee for the Verification of Meteorological Terms
1985 | Member of Dynamic Meteorology Committee of the International Commission on Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
1982 | Member of China Association for Science and Technology Natural Science
1982 - 2011 | Dynamic meteorology committee member of CMS (Chinese Meteorological Society)